Posts Tagged ‘faith’

Flexible plans

November 7, 2012

Sometimes the original plans get scrapped.  This applies to many things, but right now it applies to this painting that I started.

About 1/5 of the way through…beginning stages…

About a week ago I had grand ideas inspired directly from scripture for this painting…but the more I started thinking about how to execute the imagery, I realized my points weren’t going to come across as clearly as I wanted to, which would result in a very weird, confusing painting.

This is one reason why I don’t do preliminary sketches.  I have ideas in my mind, but if I do sketches beforehand I feel obligated to strictly adhere to them – even if the painting takes me in another direction.  This is not the case with all artists, but it is definitely the case with me.  My strongest pieces have been ones in which I have surrendered control of the original plans and worked intuitively.

My husband and I, in our own lives, are also learning how to live more in faith – with our finances, our giving, our life plans and career goals, and family plans.  We are learning, slowly, that our best life is the one we give up control and trust God to lead us.

I have a vague idea of where this painting might lead me, but I am trusting my intuition and God’s leading to show me the rest.  It’s a great way to work. 🙂

In other news, I have started an Etsy sight!  Fabric rosette pins, hair clips, necklaces (and maybe bracelets) – most of which have an image of my paintings on them – co-mingle with notecards and prints of my original paintings.  Check it out HERE!